Life Decoded Through Numbers

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    • Are U Not Able To Make Progress In Ur Business / Job?
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Numerology Profile Analysis

Name Spelling Analysis

New Born Baby Name Analysis

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Career Analysis

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Raajeevvv Bagdii

Numerologist || Wellness Practitioner || Energy Healer || Business Owner || Author

Raajeevvv Bagdii (Rajeev Bagdi) was born in 1973, in Bikaner, Rajasthan, India. Now settled in Hyderabad, India. He is a Post Graduate in Marketing & Finance. He has been in services for a few years before starting his business career. He is the owner of a herbal business store in Hyderabad. He has acquired knowledge in various segments including financial markets, alternative medicines, healing methodologies, self development & self improvement.


Raajeevvv is a “Numerologist” and has been helping people to transform their lives with his knowledge of numerology and also in the health and wellness segment. He loves to share knowledge and to help people on topics related to numerology, health and wellness, self-help, self-improvement and other occult sciences. He has been doing research in the field of numerology for more than 3 decades and he has developed many research based numerology tools that are helpful to people.  His unique creations and tools include TRIGUUNNA NUMERROLOGY – A NEW DIMENSION TO NUMEROLOGY©, LUCK FACTOR INDICATOR (LUCFI) REPORT©, WEALTH & PROSPERITY ATTRACTOR (WPA, SAMMRUDDH PARIVAAR YANTRA©, VYAPAAR SAMRRUDDHI & VRIDHII YANTRA©, TIMING YOUR SUCCESS – DAY CHART© & RAAJEEVVV’S NUMMERO THEORY©.

He is a passionate person who is ready to go that extra mile and help people with his knowledge and experiences that he has gained during the course of his life so far.

Raajeevvv’s words of wisdom: “I believe that knowledge is power. Everyone should improve themselves and / or their business, no matter what stage in life they are in. Whether it is to develop a better mindset or to increase their business profits. Moving forward is Key to Success.”


Q: What is numerology and what does it encompass?

A: Numerology is a mystical study that explores the significant influence of numbers on our lives. It's believed that numbers hold vibrational frequencies that can reveal characteristics of individuals, influence events, and provide insight into life's purpose.

Q: How can numerology be used to better understand oneself?

A: Numerology offers a unique perspective on our strengths, challenges, and fundamental personality traits by converting personal details such as birthdate and full name into significant numbers. This in-depth analysis can serve as a tool for personal growth and self-understanding.

Q: Can numerology provide insights into my future?

A: While numerology isn't a predictive science like fortune-telling, it can provide insight into potential future challenges and opportunities based on your numbers. The aim is not to predict the future but to prepare for it and make the most of your potential.

Q: I've heard about core numbers in numerology. Can you tell me more about them?

A: Indeed, the concept of core numbers is crucial in numerology. These include the Birthday Number, Life PathNumber, etc. Each number, derived from your personal details, offers insights into different aspects of your life and personality.

Q: What do you mean by the 'vibration' of numbers in numerology?

A: In numerology, each number is believed to possess a specific vibration or frequency that can influence life events and personality traits. The vibration of a number is its unique energy signature or essence, contributing to the complexity of an individual's numerological profile.

Q: How reliable is numerology? Is it backed by scientific evidence?

A: Numerology is not empirically supported by modern science. It's a practice rooted in ancient philosophies and spiritual beliefs. Though many individuals find personal resonance and valuable insights from numerology, it's considered a pseudoscience in the scientific community.

Q: Can numerology influence my decisions and life choices?

A: Numerology can serve as a guide, offering insights and perspectives that might influence your decisions. However, it's essential to use it as a tool for reflection and understanding, not a replacement for personal judgement or logical reasoning.

Q: How can numerology help improve my relationships?

A: Numerology can provide insights into the compatibility of different people based on their numerological profiles. It can shed light on interpersonal dynamics, helping you understand how you relate to others and potentially improving your relationships.

Q: Can numerology help in choosing a career or profession?

A: Yes, numerology can offer guidance on career paths by revealing your inherent strengths, talents, and preferences. However, it should be used alongside practical considerations and self-reflection when making such significant decisions.

Q: How can I start learning about numerology?

A: You can start by studying the meanings of numbers 1-9, and understanding how to calculate core numbers from personal details. There are numerous online resources, books, and courses available that offer a deep dive into numerology.


Hear From Happy Clients

Thanks to Mr.Raajeevvv, under his guidance I am doing well in my life and career, I am a very hard working person, still I was not able to achieve what I really deserve. I thought to consult a numerologist, to check where I am going wrong. Then I consulted Mr. Raajeevvv and he suggested name spelling changes and some very easy to do remedies. Thankfully now I am doing much better than before, I got promotion also. I am blessed to have his guidance in my life, he is the best numerologist in Hyderabad,. I would recommend all who are facing issues in their life, to consult Mr. Raajeevvv once.

Bachhu B

Rajeev sir is an excellent numerologist from Hyderabad. His consultation sessions are accurate, detailed and precise. He also gives reasonings and explanations for why things are a certain way. I would highly recommend anyone who is confused, feeling stuck or wanting to consult someone for life choices to reach out to Rajeev Sir as he will help you and guide you in the best possible way.

Arundhati M

Earlier, I was stressed about my work life as I was unable to get a proper job for myself. But then one of my friend, recommended me about Mr. Raajeevvv Bagdii numerologist from Hyderabad. Initially, I had my doubts whether numerology could help me or not. His way counselling and consultation was really very nice & easy to understand. I become very positive in my thoughts after his consultation, followed his guidance, which were again very easy to follow. Believe me, it actually helped me in my life and now I work for an MNC. I moving happily moving forward in my life. All thanks to Mr. Raajeevv. Anyone, who is in difficult situation in life, must at least once take a consultation with him, he is capable of bringing back positivity in a persons life. Probably, it may work out in your life also, like it has worked for me. Thank you so much Mr. Raajeevvv for guiding me. Best wishes to you for your endeavors of helping people with your knowledge of NUMEROLOGY.

Saurav M

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Disclaimer:The information provided on this website pertaining to Numerology is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice or to replace any relationship with a qualified professional. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability concerning the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. The interpretations and insights based on Numerology provided on this site should be used as a guide for self-reflection and personal growth, not as a substitute for professional or psychological advice or assistance. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.Numerology, like any other spiritual practice, is a personal exploration and journey that may not resonate with everyone. While many find Numerology a valuable tool for self-understanding and life guidance, it is considered a pseudoscience and its effectiveness varies from person to person.By using our website, you acknowledge that you understand the nature of Numerology and agree to these conditions. We encourage users to approach Numerology with an open mind and use it as a tool for self-discovery alongside other personal development strategies.Always seek the advice of a qualified professional for any questions you may have regarding a personal, legal, financial, or psychological matter. Never disregard professional advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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